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transformational coaching 

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I have spent many years cultivating an inner vision that perceives how the energy moves through your spinal system and beyond,  I have seen how it gets stuck, and how it wakes us up to clear communication between our Soul and the Divinity all around us when addressed with the utmost tenderness and subtle/delicate awareness. 


In the Passionate Ease Retreats and the Transformational Coaching sessions, I use this vision to gently guide your awareness into a deep and most kind embrace of where the survival reflexes have shut down/disowned/or denied this sacred edge of transformation. The results are always inclusive of greater depth and enrichment of your journey.  


Perhaps you know all too well of where your Soul calls for a change but something keeps aborting the fulfillment of that inspiration.  How often do we just not do what we know needs to be done?  How many New Year's resolutions get dropped?  We are run by our innocent survival reflexes embedded in our Autonomic Nervous System's structures at an early age.  This can be re-patterned but will only last if done with utmost delicacy and loving-kindness because the main pattern that keeps us stuck is a felt sense that we are smaller than we actually are.  Overcompensation for this will not work at the deepest levels of our Being. Only the Deep, Loving Kindness of Compassionate Presence from our Self can set us free.


My life has been a most challenging journey.  However,  along with it has been a Grace of great teachers and an indescribable fire of passion to grow and learn true love.  As a result, I am a good guide and space holder for anyone willing to learn self-love; and especially right into those parts of your body that are the physical anchors to a defended sense of self.


The Transformational Coaching sessions are much like Part-2 during the retreat, where I guide you through the difficult issues of your life that keep repeating themselves.  However, I do this on a video conference call so I can observe the subtle energy patterns and guide you through them in tenderness.


The video is recorded for future reference by only you if you wish.  Many have used the recording as a guided meditation practice for the days and weeks following the session.  Many have used these sessions as an ongoing mentorship where we meet at regular intervals.  Others have used these sessions as a follow-up to the retreats or prep for them, or both. As a result of Transformational Coaching, you will have a clearer, Soul guided life.  You will know greater freedom of choice where reflexes have kept you not able to have your Soul's guidance come into reality.  Your life will unfold more fully in a way that satisfies you at the deepest levels of your Being.



costs:  sliding scale

Fees are on a sliding scale basis of $2-$4 per minute,  You will receive an invoice after you complete your session.


cancellation policy

-$45 if less than 48 hours in advance of the session

-$90 if less than 24hr.  

Because it is a good chunk of time in people's schedules, it is hard to fill a spot on short notice. Additionally, we are often booked months in advance. It is most helpful to give as much notice if you need to cancel so another can get your spot.


what others have to say

I am a Psychotherapist who has been diligently doing effective self growth work for over 25 years, including a great deal of quality Psychotherapy and a considerable amount of meditation. I have now been working regularly with Lawrence for almost 5 months. The results is subtle, profound, definite and in my opinion, miraculous. I find the work kind, compassionate, non-dual, (ie nothing excluded) gentle, deeply innately sane, loving, human, and humane. 

It is resulting in me opening to myself and life to a whole new level. What I most want is to be accepted just as I am, and then have this relationship with life. By doing the practices regularly under Lawrence's loving tutelage this is being gradually cultivated inside me a most beautiful way.  I am slowly, progressively moving towards being able to live as is spoken of in the Tao Te Ching. Still a very long way to go yet the journey is sweet, honest, vulnerable and spectacular. I believe this to be the most powerful transformational work I have experienced.. In one word, "Brilliant". I have deep gratitude.  Gautama Katzman, Albuquerque NM


"Those of us on a spiritual path know that things can get stirred up - the experience of a "kinks" in our being that are really difficult to get at.  Well, if you have the time, you can go on a week long retreat and take the time to give it what it needs.  Or you can do it in an hour with Lawrence in one of his transformational coaching sessions.  He has an amazing ability to see where in your body you are holding patterns of disconnection or old stories that no longer serve you.  In my case it was deep ancestral grief whose time to be felt has come.  Through gentle posture/breath guidance, I was able to find it and with the support of his presence, to kindly hold it in my awareness and really feel it.  What a gift!"   Asa Ben Hur PhD Ft. Collins, CO


"The video call is nice for times when I am out of the habit or skating on the surface of experiences.  Having the support to sink more deeply into experiences seems to remind my nervous system and inspires me to deeper levels of awareness in my sitting practice. I find that my discipline and baseline awareness effortlessly grow during increasingly intense moments of daily life. "   Dawn Kinsey- Seattle WA


"Lawrence's one on one coaching sessions have been a great way to help me integrate the practices he teaches. I've gotten a lot out of them. He is a kind, skilled listener and coach, and helps to connect these practices in everyday life to the body, and go toward all that arises to have a complete experience. And he's a great human being! Highly recommended."   Kathleen Luttrell , Boulder CO


"The work we did together has been very helpful. I'm able to hold dualities in a new way and I finding my self (selves) default into the into Yes! Welcome rather than

reacting to an old, unconscious defense/protector pattern, while holding the hurt and pleasant feelings in a place of safety where awareness is able to observe with ease and grace. Also,I'm not judging as much, I'm finding and receiving the gifts of the Judge."  Jeffrey Parham, D.C. Denver, CO


"As I was in a place of confusion and self doubt, I reached out for help from Lawrence. It was powerful to have him navigate the process on the screen in my home without having to fly to Colorado to be with him in person. His guidance really helped me to stay with myself. I could then attend to disconnected parts of me and guide my kind attention to stuck places in my body so that the life force could flow more freely. It took awhile to learn but now I feel blessed to have the technology to do this. "  Robin Maynard Dobbs- Seattle, WA


“The video conferencing session I had with Lawrence was amazing.  At the time, I thought we were just helping me breathe a bit, but the lasting benefit was that I could reframe the experience of my challenges throughout my life.  I was familiar with the idea that life is the best teacher, but Lawrence’s expertise and kindness helped me feel this in my body, that the “stress” in my life really could be experienced as an unwinding force, opening my body and consciousness to a stronger, more powerful me.  Lawrence didn’t change any external circumstances in my life, but I was able to do what I wanted to do, and move through my challenge with ease.”   Ed Prescott  Seattle WA


Sample Zoom Coaching Sessions: (In these 2 selections I explain much more than in most sessions)

In this Coaching session I go into a lot more detail about the anatomy and mechanics of Spinal function and how that relates to becoming a whole person. I attempt to apply these mechanisms to the mechanics of the work I do, both in Zooms, and in live PassionateEases Retreats. In both formats I am engaged in helping people find the physical anchors that lock in perspectives of separation and dysfunction in our body and life. In the last 60 minutes o this video you will witness the application of this knowledge in a beautiful process of Spiritual birthing After anatomy of separation portion, you will see how this individual meets places she had to disconnect from out survival reflexes/ strategies beyond the cortex or conscious part of our nervous system. You will then see how she meets these places with the use of sensation and breath to meet and integrate lost parts of herself. Be sure to watch until the end. In addition you can get some of a sense of how I work with people in at least one person's delicate Transformation stage of their life. Thank you Parame for your courage and willingness to share something so vulnerable with the public


In this next consultation, we explore the journey of leaving the familiar sense of self to honor a call and how natural it is to return to the familiar and how that is a natural part of growth.  In addition, this brave Soul explores the delicate and courageous transition from a great meditative capacity with eyes closed and the disparity of how to bring THAT  into an eyes open life


meet the coach ... extensive life experience, spiritual maturity, as well as training and experience working in the capacity of being a transformational coach/ consciousness advisor.  More Info HERE

Passionate Ease Retreats
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