travelling table sessions
Network Spinal Awakening
Entrainments on location
Lawrence has been a Network Chiropractitioner since 1987 and on the Network teaching staff from 1989-2009. Out of a rich background in Network Spinal Analysis and other tools, he has been gifted an inner sensing and outer seeing of the subtle patterns of how we alter our spines in order to protect from life's overloads and to fit into the enculturation one has grown up in. He also has the ability to sense how completely delicately he must approach your physical anchors to the sense of self, which you've been operating from, for better or worse.
From a rich seeing and spiritual background of developing Presence, Lawrence has integrated an approach to the spiine that is deeply honoring of its role as Temple to the Divine and Humanness; and seen together as one,.
Seeing and feeling into the deepest places of defense in the most primitive parts of our survival reflexes lawrence helps you feel held in Loving Presence,. From Here these anchors to a defended sense of self unwind themselves. .
These Network Spinal Awakening Table Sessions create great safety and effectiveness to reconnect with parts of your body/mind, at very precise points called spinal neural gateways. These gateways are places of self referral and self correction. By connecting to the gateways, the nervous system resets old stuck patterns of physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual behaviors. By a skillful, delicate, very present method he uses very gentle contacts with the gateways, Lawrence helps navigate awareness to where survival reflexes innocently help you distort your spine and disconnect from parts of yourself.
With network sessions, called entrainments, you receive one of the most effective and unique self-correcting tools on your journey to greater wholeness. This occurs by allowing you to reach the essential core of ways you've adapted to life's traumas and stresses. And, quite spontaneously and naturally, your own self-correcting mechanisms wake up and continue to reset maladaptive patterns in your body, mind, and life. This continues to deepen after your session. Its hard to believe the waking up of self correcting mechanisms in the spine can spontaneously effect thoughts, feelings, and perception of life ~ please read appeciations page. Whatever the crossroads on your journey, re-educating reflexive neurological behavior patterns via Network Spinal Awakening offers support in fulfilling life's purpose ~ similar to a hardware upgrade for software programs! Spontaneously, things begin to work due to reflexive parts of your system being in line with good intentions. Results are greater fulfillment and joy, ease, passion and an ability to break through where you could'nt before.
Appointment etiquette
Its highly recommended to book multiple table session to some build momentum, and deeply anchor new habits on the table. If you choose multiple bookings, please leave at least a half hour to rest and integrate between sessions. If you are new to Network Spinal Awakening, please arrive 60 minutes prior to your first session. Let Lawrence know you've arrived to involve you in some prior education and observe him work on others.
Location for July 25th sessions in Woodinville
21302 52nd ave SE
Home of Akash & Constance Vineyard
Woodinville,WA 98072
Location for July 27th sessions in Portland
Office of Dr Brian Duby
1125 SE Madison St., #100A
Portland, OR 97214